Indeed Hiring Lab data is used by a range of policy-making organizations and NGOs around the world to produce insightful research. A sampling of our policy partners and their projects include:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) used our data in its World Economic Outlook to dissect the economic effects of the pandemic.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) used Indeed data to inform its assessment of the macroeconomic situation in its Economic Outlook, and OECD researchers have collaborated with Indeed economists to produce research on the persistence of telework.
The European Central Bank (ECB) has featured our data in its ECB Economic Bulletin.
Researchers at the Bank of England (BoE) have analyzed our data in working papers such as “Business creation during Covid-19” and our data has also informed monetary policy discussions at the BoE.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis included our job postings data as one of its real-time economic indicators on its COVID-19 and the Ninth District economy: A dashboard.
Our data is available on the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) online database.
Finance Canada highlighted our data in its Economic and Fiscal Snapshot 2020.
The Bank of Canada included our data in its Monetary Policy Report and in research by its staff, including “Canadian job postings in digital sectors during COVID-19.”
The Reserve Bank of Australia used our data in its evaluation of the international environment in their Statement on Monetary Policy.